Is Kale Juice Really Healthy?

Kale Plant Leaves for Juicing

The short answer to that question is; YES, in most cases kale has great potential health benefits. But under certain conditions which you will find below, it can have the reverse effect of what you’d expect. If you enjoy the juicing lifestyle, this article may open your eyes to some hidden facts behind your choice of vegetables.

We’ve heard all about how kale (and some other vegetables) can help detox the body and make us healthier, but what you probably didn’t know, is that kale (and other vegetables in the brassica genus) are also extremely effective at detoxing… wait for it… drum-roll, please… MOTHER EARTH!

How does kale “detox” the soil?

Heavy metals (not a rock band) are fairly common at low levels in the earth’s crust. Common heavy metals that are known to have detrimental effects on the body, include Thallium, cesium, cadmium, arsenic, and aluminum among others.

Kale and other plants in the brassica genus have been found to be extremely good at absorbing these metals.

In fact, cabbage, (another vegetable in the brassica genus) was found to be so extremely effective at taking up thalium from the soil, that it was suggested as a viable candidate for removing heavy metals from contaminated soil.

Does this mean you have to stop using kale? Hardly! In most cases, there is little cause for worry. But if the vegetables you are consuming (especially juicers who get a higher concentration of everything contained in the vegetable) come from a place that’s located close to industrial property, you may want to be careful.

It exists at low levels in the Earth’s crust, and the main way it gets concentrated at high enough levels to cause worry is through “nearby cement plants, oil drilling, smelting, and, most of all, in the ash that results from coal burning,” Oppenheimer reports.

Still… makes you wonder about that kale juice huh?

Why Are Heavy Metals So Bad For You?


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